Fri14Feb |
The firm's executive management team is set to be presented with a potential acquisition case next week, CEO Keld Demant tells Ship & Bunker. |
Fri14Feb |
As the industry looks to future fuels and MFMs, IBIA's task is to follow that development and adapt its training, IBIA's Claudia Beumer tells Ship & Bunker. |
Wed12Feb |
Marine fuel deliveries by barge at Ceuta will need to use MFMs from this month onwards. |
Wed12Feb |
While carriers expect lower bunker fuel costs in 2025, overall fuel expenses for European port calls will rise due to increasing regulatory costs. |
Mon10Feb |
ARA bunker volumes may decline without tougher MFM regulation, TFG Marine's Kenneth Dam tells Ship & Bunker. |
Fri07Feb |
SEA-LNG still sees the current state of play as an early stage in LNG's development, Chairman Peter Keller tells Ship & Bunker. |
Tue04Feb |
Denver-based TransMontaigne Partners has agreed to sell its Fisher Island fuel depot to an unnamed buyer for about $180 million. |
Mon03Feb |
Bunker Holding, Xeneta among those sharing their view with Ship & Bunker. |